With the arrival of the New Lunar Year, 2022 is the year of the Tiger.
Happy New Year to all our friends and partners! |
Stories in this Newsletter
The Center for Global Education (CGE) team advances Boise State University's global recognition as a metropolitan research university. We lead campus-wide internationalization opportunities and foster global engagement of the Boise State community and beyond.
Center for Global Education Responsibilities |
International Admission & Recruitment
International Student Services
Global Learning Opportunities
Intensive English Program
International Scholars and Exchange Visitor Program
Academic Immigration Services
International Partnerships
The Center for Global Education... |
Integrates an international/global dimension into the Boise State’s mission.
Connects students, faculty and staff members with global academic opportunities.
Promotes a globally-friendly campus for students, faculty and staff.
Provides resources for international students and scholars and supports their transition into the U.S.
Fosters faculty expertise for developing innovative international programs and opportunities for students.
Forges new partnerships and academic opportunities to further Boise State's internationalization goals.
Provides non-English native speakers with English language courses for academic and non-academic purposes as well as short-term academic immersion opportunities.
Promotes cross-cultural awareness and global competencies across the campus.
Offers academic immigration services for international students, faculty and staff.
CGE Introduces Guidelines for Developing Academic Partnerships |
Boise State is expanding its global network of partner universities as an increasing number of colleges and academic departments are interested in forging new partnerships and global engagement. The Center for Global Education is pleased to release new guidelines for developing academic partnerships. These guidelines provide an introduction to global academic cooperation; offer general guidelines and special considerations to keep in mind before proposing new partnerships. Everyone is welcome to send questions and inquiries regarding international academic cooperation agreements to Assistant Provost, Dr. Gonzalo Bruce ( |
Study Abroad Rebounds Despite COVID
The global pandemic (COVID-19) has impacted all aspects of our lives, and especially students' ability to gain global learning at overseas universities and partner programs. Despite the prevalence of COVID globally, a growing number of Boise State students have shown determination in their interest to stretch the classroom boundaries and experience the world. As shown in the graph, Boise State students’ participation in study abroad program has steadily grown after a complete halt in Summer 2020.
Student Testimony: Crises Teach us About Ourselves and the World |
I came to Italy hoping to enrich myself in a new culture and see every "Instagram" pictures place I could. One month into living in a movie abroad, pandemic hit and I decided to stay during the corona virus lockdown in Italy as all other students fled to their home countries. Left alone in a foreign country, I found solitude during 'the end of the world' with two girls from France and Poland. Together we faced the lockdown and after one month, we joined two guys from France and Mexico. During quarantine, all five of us learned more about each other's cultures, we explored our ways of thinking, we changed our habits, and began to grow as stronger individuals. Following the first quarantine in Italy, I decided to stay in Italy and continue my journey for another year to then graduate at FUA in Firenze in the Spring of 2021. I took a non-traditional route in this study abroad experience and have had the privilege of living and working in many different areas of Italy. I learned the language, how to travel, how to earn money while abroad, build connections, find friends, how to travel smarter, and learned more about my own strength along the way. Now a year into my study abroad experience I have returned from working in the south of Italy to now living outside of the city center of Florence as a nanny, working and living with a family I now consider great friends. We are back in our second quarantine as my story continues.
Demi Harris, Media Arts Major
Studied abroad SP20, FA20, SP 21 at Florence University of the Arts
Faculty Promote Global Learning in the Classroom
Dr. Saleh Ahmed, assistant professor at the School of Public Service, and COBE Lecturer Christy Suciu, joined in Autumn 2021 the Global Collaboration Projects, an initiative sponsored by the Center for Global Education aimed at promoting global learning in the classroom.
In his course entitled
Social and Political Change in the Global South, Ahmed explored issues of minority groups globally and north-south relations together with faculty and students from Universidad Cientifica del Sur (Lima, Peru). On the other side of the campus, Suciu co-created projects in her
Design Thinking class with Dr. Jordan Srour, faculty from the Lebanese American University (Beirut & Byblos, Lebanon). The co-created projects, embedded within the two concurrent courses, allowed the Boise State and LAU students to engage with each other through the design thinking process and solve real problems affecting both the U.S. and Lebanon. The project received sponsorship from the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon and was implemented in association with the COBE Innovation Challenge.
Through the Global Collaboration Projects, Boise State faculty and students connect with global partner universities, supports the teaching and learning process and infuses global perspectives in existing Boise State courses.
Faculty members and partner universities interested in participating in Global Collaboration Projects for academic year 2022-23 are encouraged to fill out this form.
Boise State's New Digital Face |
In an era of virtual engagement, Boise State's digital presence is more important than ever. International Admissions launched a new digital brochure to highlight Boise State's opportunities to students and partners around the globe in a more dynamic, sustainable, and engaging way than ever before. You can find the brochure here. Everyone is welcome to share the link!
Boise State Leads Creation of Study Idaho |
IEP Assistant Director, Tracy Day, has championed the statewide effort to build the Study Idaho Consortia, with the support of U.S. Commercial Service and Idaho Department of Commerce. Up to this point, Study Idaho gathers the following members: Boise State University, University of Idaho, Idaho State University, College of Idaho, Riverstone International School, and Community School.
More members will be on-boarded as the interest grows. To launch this project, Study Idaho received a grant of $4,300 from the Idaho District Export Council and $500 from Idaho Commerce. In its short existence, the Consortia has launched the Study Idaho Portal and is planning to exhibit at the NAFSA 2022 Conference, the world's largest international education conference. |
Global UGRAD Students Make Boise State their Home
Twelve Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD) program students joined Boise State during AY21-22. The UGRAD program is a U.S. Department of State program, which provides one-semester scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students from around the world for non-degree full-time study, combined with community service, professional development, and cultural enrichment.
UGRAD participants come to Boise State from all over the world. The students go through a rigorous application and vetting process to be accepted into the UGRAD Program. "From the moment the students arrive on campus, they are energetic, optimistic, and curious. The Center for Global Education continually hears from professors and department staff on how well UGRAD students are prepared academically and engage their peers in and out of the classroom," said Senior Coordinator for International Student Services, Keith Quatraro. UGRAD students have joined us from Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Malawi, Pakistan, South Korea, Ukraine, and Vietnam.
Exchange Student Numbers On the Rise
Despite the current global pandemic, the Academic Year 21-22 showed a 30 percent growth in international exchange students relative to 2019-2020. These international students come to Boise State from our global network of partner universities to enjoy an international academic experience. Some of these students were selected in early 2020 and waited two years for more favorable global travel conditions.
The IEP Collaborates with World Languages for Korean Studies |
The Korean Program at Boise State University was established in 2008. In 2016, the program expanded by adding Korean culture courses such as Korean Pop-Culture and History, and Korea Today. Since Spring 2019, the program offers a Korean Studies Minor.
Thanks to a Korea Foundation grants and the COAS Dean's Office, The Korean Program has created a 3-credit Korean Culture and Civilization course and expanded the previous 1-credit Korean Pop-Culture and History to a 3-credit course on Korean Pop-Culture and Society. Adjunct Professor Yookyung Lee created in 2015 a Korean-English Language Exchange Program (KLEP), in partnership with the Intensive English Program, Center for Global Education. In Lee's words, "In KLEP, students of both English and Korean and their respective cultures meet every week for the whole semester in order to teach and learn Korean/English. During the pre-Covid pandemic years, more than 100 students actively participated in the KLEP, and some of them continued their academic and professional careers through study abroad programs, exchange programs, college transfer or the English Program in Korea (EPIK). The program has continued during the pandemic, although at a smaller scale.
Thanks to a three-consecutive year grant from the Korea Foundation and the 2020-2021 COAS Adjunct Teaching Award in 2021, Lee has been able to enhance the Korean Program at Boise State University and was selected as a panelist in the Academy of Korean Studies Program for Educators in North America in Summer 2021. |
Updates on Regulations for International Students and Scholars |
New White House Initiatives on STEM
The White House issued a new set of initiatives aiming to recruit and retain international STEM talent in the U.S. The initiatives include easing the pathway to permanent residency via the National Interest Waiver (NIW) for STEM graduates with advanced degrees. This is particularly beneficial to doctoral students in STEM disciplines.
STEM OPT eligible degree list expanded
International students qualify for one year of work authorization after their degrees. Those who earn degrees in certain STEM fields can qualify for three years of work authorization (STEM OPT). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) expanded the STEM OPT eligible degree list, to include several fields including Business Analytics. 45 degree programs at Boise State are now on the STEM OPT eligible list.
America COMPETES Act
A bill is making its way through Congress, designed to encourage various aspects of International Education in the U.S. and global competitiveness, but it includes a key provision including an easier pathway to green cards for STEM PhD graduates, excluding them from certain green card caps. The green card caps can make the path to a green card exceptionally long for certain nationalities, particularly India and China. While the path for this bill remains uncertain, the discussion is promising and if the bill passes it could have a positive impact for many Boise State University faculty and students, both current and future.
Faculty hiring season – Employment Visa Update
U.S. Embassies worldwide are gradually offering more visa appointment availability, but the wait time for a visa appointment in certain countries and regions remains extremely long as Embassies work through COVID-related backlogs. Resources on the typical visa process for most faculty can be found on the CGE website. The visa sponsorship process typically takes several months to complete, so we encourage departments with finalists needing sponsorship to connect with CGE staff as soon as possible for information on the process, including viability, costs and timelines.
Announcing Changes to our Team |
Meet New International Enrollment Counselor |
International Admissions is excited to welcome the newest member of its team, Life Ilunga. Life is joining the Center for Global Education as International Enrollment Counselor in late February. As a Boise State alumna and having had several roles at Boise State, Life brings a wealth of institutional knowledge to the position. As International Enrollment Counselor, she will be responsible for working with international students from the earliest stages of recruitment through their arrival to campus.
Meet New Program Coordinator & Intl. Student Advisor |
Ryan Linford joined the CGE suite in November, 2021 after serving exclusively the Intensive English Program for the past eight years. We are happy to get additional help from Ryan as he now splits his time between the IEP and the CGE. At the CGE, Ryan will program coordination, event planning customer service and student advising.
A native of Boise, Idaho, when it is winter (like now), Ryan spends most of the time longing for summer or immersing in the world of crossword puzzles.
☞ Call to Action: Jamboard |
Please use this Jamboard to share your welcoming words for Life and Ryan. If you are from a partner university, please write your name and your institution in your post.
We Bid Farewell to International Student Service Coordinator |
After almost 5 years serving Boise State University international students, we are sad to announce Keith Quatraro's departure from the CGE.
Keith has been a key member in the Boise State experience for exchange and degree-seeking international students. From preparing students to arrive to the U.S. to developing campus programming aimed at expanding students' social and professional networks, Keith made a huge impact on the lives of our international students.
In Fall 2017, Keith joined the CGE in the capacity of International Student Coordinator . He worked with students from all over the world who chose Boise State as their place study, learn, and live. On March 4th, Keith will transition to another position at Boise State University .
"I've truly enjoyed being part of the Center for Global Education at Boise State. Having the opportunity to work with so many awesome students from countries all over the world has filled me with purpose and gratitude. I owe so much of my professional growth and learning to the amazing staff at the CGE for their leadership and support."
- Keith Quatraro
☞ Call to Action: Jamboard |
Please use this Jamboard to share your words of appreciation and farewell to Keith. If you are from a partner university, please write your name and your institution in your post. |
Important contact information during the interim process
Exchange Student Program and Processes:
We will have a designated staff member who will continue to work with incoming exchange students throughout their application process, course registration procedure, and to help them secure on-campus housing. If your institution will be nominationing students to attend Boise State for the Fall 2022 semester and/or 2022-2023 academic year, please continue to use this nomination form. You may direct all questions and institutional exchange balance inquiries to International Student Services at
Current Student Resources, ISS Event Information, Sponsored Students, and Employment Questions, etc.:
International Student Services and the Center for Global Education are located on the 2nd Floor of the SMASH Building. Students are able to contact us at or 208-426-3652. For more information regarding the services we provide visit our webpage.
Boise State Secures Grant to Promote Entrepreneurship in the U.S. and Honduras |
Boise State, through the CGE, secured a 100K Study Abroad Innovation Grant, in collaboration the Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras (UTH). The $25K grant will support the program entitled Building Bridges Through Tech-Based Startups: Cultivating Hope and Creating Future for Young Entrepreneurs, a collaboration focused on developing entrepreneurship skills among college students in Honduras and the U.S. This video introduces the program. |
Team Members' Professional Accomplishments
Study Abroad Advisory, Eden Taylor, serves as the National Student Exchange (NSE) Marketing Committee Chair. Throughout 2021, she helped design and implement the first, nationwide
National Student Exchange Virtual Fair to promote NSE across the nation. In this service, she managed 14 webinars with 63 member campuses and served 1,000 students across the U.S. and territories.
The National Student Exchange (NSE) recognized Study Abroad Advisory, Eden Taylor, with the
Terry Arnold Encouragement Team award at the 2021 NSE conference, in recognition of her advising service and dedication to NSE.
Boise State was represented for the first time at the International Virtual Exchange Conference 2021. Dr. Gonzalo Bruce chaired the session
Emerging Networks for Enhancing Campus Internationalization. Lessons Learned From "Digital Mobil @ FH Bielefeld in collaboration with colleagues from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
In 2021, IEP Instructor/Immigration Advisor, JR Walsh published poems, stories, and a photograph in Literary Magazines both in the United States and internationally. Online and print venues include:
The Greensboro Review (University of North Carolina - Greensboro),
Rejection Letters, Ghost Parachute, HOOT, giallo, and
The Hong Kong Review. One of his microfiction pieces was nominated for annual anthologies
The Pushcart Prize and
Best Small Fictions. One of his poems was selected for the anthology,
Nostalgia AF - A Video Game Anthology.
IEP Assistant Director, Tracy Day was a panelist in the NAFSA ll Region Summit (October, 2021) in the session entitled
Enhance International Recruitment with U.S. Department of Commerce and State, in collaboration with officials form U.S. Commercial Service, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at U.S. Department of State and Montgomery College.
Boise State is represented at the Idaho District Export Council since October 2021, with the appointment of IEP Assistant Director, Tracy Day, as a Member. |
COBE Lecturer, Christy Suciu and Dr. Gonzalo Bruce shared at the recent Center for Teaching & Learning Great Ideas Symposium, their experience planning and coordinating the Global Collaboration Projects in Desigh Thinking in collaboration with the Lebanese American University (Beirut and Byblos, Lebanon). |
Director of Global Learning Opportunities and International Student Services, Corrine Henke, was nominated to serve in the National Student Exchange Program council representative. This service was in addition to her role as co-Editor in NAFSA’s forthcoming
Guide to Education Abroad, Fifth Edition publication. |
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